Review Request: Fix sanitization of dbus path in KMainWindow

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Mon Aug 17 23:15:43 BST 2009

Thomas Lübking wrote:
> Am Monday 17 August 2009 schrieb Matthew Woehlke:
>> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>>> Performance ain't crucial here (and QChar::isLetter() just tests some
>>> flags), but i just tested and QChar grants ::isLetter to really a lot of
>>> stuff (esp. as any utf-8 char seems to be split an the first part becomes
>>> a letter, though it's /no/ [A-Za-z] :-(
>> Ah... doesn't that make QString::mid broken? (Or would that be QChar?)
>> Though that shouldn't be a problem if e.g. "駄" gets translated to "G_q_".
> "駄" (except the """s") has QString::length() == 3

/me goes "wtf"...

Yay for non-multi-byte strings that claim UTF-8 support :-(.

> all are represented by some weird "?" in a diamond, no substring matches the 
> identifier regexp
> 駄[0].isLetter() == true

That's... interesting. According to 'od -c', the first character is 
\0351. QChar must be applying latin1 logic? (Or else the QChar in this 
instance is correct, has the entire character, and considers ideographs 
to be "letters".)

> *i'd preferably force the whole world to restrict to ASCII - that's two more 
> letters than the romans needed to control an empire for a millenium >-)


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