
Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Aug 9 22:36:13 BST 2009

On 09.08.09 21:04:50, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On 2009-08-09, Tom Albers <toma at> wrote:
> > --nextPart40319998.LmhcOLVCHR
> > Content-Type: text/plain
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
> >
> > Op Sunday 09 August 2009 07:08 schreef u:
> >> On 2009-08-08, David Faure <faure at> wrote:
> >> > Any comments or objections?
> >> 
> >> I object to anything that involves abi-unstable libraies with public
> >> headers in kdelibs.
> >> 
> >> /Sune
> >
> > Why? It's similar to what akonadi does:
> > install a and install headers like itempayloadinternals_p.h. The naming should provide enough hints to developers to not use it blindly.
> akonadi is not part of kdelibs
> so far, I've been told that akonadiprivate is only named private "to
> scare off people who don't know what they are doing", not because it
> isn't keeping a stable abi
> and I do expect akonadiprivate to use a proper abi stability policy
> (change major version of soname on BIC changes between releases)

So I guess your problem with library that doesn't keep BC in kdelibs is
that you might have to change kdelibs name on each release? If thats the
case, this is basically a "packagers-only" issue and could easily be
solved by simply splitting out this single lib from kdelibs and
providing a separate binary package for it. I'm assuming that
liboxygenhelper plays by the rules and changes its SONAME when breaking


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