[REMINDER] 4.3 Hard Feature Freeze

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Mon Apr 27 20:10:15 BST 2009


Just a little reminder that the hard feature freeze [1] for the 4.2 release
is coming in 1 week, on 4 May.

No new features and no new i18n GUI strings after that date.

You can still work on bugfixes, documentation, artwork, bindings...
Refer to [1] for all the various deadlines.

It is too late for anything new coming to kdereview to make it for the 4.3 release.
I noticed 2 new entries into kdereview today, which I think we can make exceptions
and reduce the review period to 1 week:
  - Mandelbrot wallpaper - because it has already received a fair
    amount of review by the Plasma-dudes.
 - The KModifierKeyInfo class - because it is just a with only 1 use (so far)and we'll let
   the kdelibs folks decide there.

Allen, KDEPIM Release Coordinator

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