
Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Apr 24 09:12:36 BST 2009

On Friday 24 April 2009, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> It's not that far-fetched to think of them: most laptop touchpads support
> horizontal scrolling, which are usually keyed to buttons 6 and 7 on X11.
> An application like a media player could use the primary wheel to control
> playback volume, whereas the horizontal scrolling could be used for
> seeking in the current track.

that's something we could add to the wheel method; in fact, now that i look at 
it, i think we should probably rename Wheel to either Seek or Scroll with both 
a delta and a direction (is).

> My point is: should the SecondaryActivation call provide extra
> identification information? 

probably; we can pass a string with some defined "well known" values; instead 
of passing button numbers, though, i'd prefer to pass semantics, which would 
also grow nicely to take into consideration multi-touch gestures if we should 
ever get to that point in life ... :)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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