RFC: adding a temporary, non-BC gauranteed, 'private' library .. where?

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Thu Apr 23 15:43:00 BST 2009

On Wednesday 22 April 2009 4:21:51 pm Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hi all ..
> i'd like to move libknotificationareaitem somewhere that apps can get to it 
> for 4.3, before looking at moving the actual class into libkdeui for 4.4.
> is there any guidance on where it could go, how it should be installed, etc? 
> right now i'm thinking of putting the headers in knotificationarea/, but half 
> of me wonders if a generic private/ or experimental/ include dir wouldn't be a 
> bad idea ...
> any thoughts?

We really don't have a policy on something like this.. to my knowledge.
But we could make one.

We could create a libkdeuiexperimental, or some-such. ie.
prominently display "experimental" in the library name and in the header install dir.

phonon does something like this, there is a libphononexperimental
and include/phonon/experimental.

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