DrKonqi 2 moved to kdereview

Robert Knight robertknight at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 10:37:07 BST 2009

> * It rates the backtrace and advises the user to install debugging symbols if
> required and doesn't allow him to report useless backtraces.

What about facilities or at least hooks for automatically installing
the symbols or better yet, sending the report off somewhere which can
generate the complete backtrace automatically like Apport does on
Ubuntu and maybe other distributions have similar facilities?

The problem is that any work we require the user to do massively
reduces the percentage of crashes that get reported and this means
that developers don't know which crashes are really rare and which are
affecting thousands of users.  Having a button to re-generate
backtraces and prompting the users to install symbols themselves is an
incremental step but they won't really solve the problem.


2009/4/16 Dominik Haumann <dhdev at gmx.de>:
> On Thursday 16 April 2009, Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>> Olivier Goffart wrote:
>> > Le Onsdag 15 april 2009, Martin Koller a écrit :
>> >> On Tuesday 14 April 2009, George Kiagiadakis wrote:
>> >>> Hello everyone,
>> >>>
>> >>> As you may (or may not) already know, Darío Andrés and I have been
>> >>> working on an improved version of the KDE crash handler, drkonqi, in
>> >>> the past few months.
>> >>
>> >> Is there also a global option somewhere to turn drkonqi completely OFF
>> >> ?
>> >>
>> >> I usually find normal users not knowing what to do with the crash
>> >> window (I'm still on KDE3 and there I often get a crash of
>> >> nspluginviewer, for example).
>> >
>> > And I'd like an option to prevent applications from crashing, so I
>> > never see drkonqui again :-)
>> export KDE_CRASH=false
> According to [1] KDE_DEBUG is doing this.
> [1] http://techbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration/Environment_Variables#Troubleshooting_and_Debugging
> What's the difference? ;)
> Dominik

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