[PATCH] qcombobox bug workaround

Nick Shaforostoff shafff at ukr.net
Wed Apr 1 11:08:37 BST 2009

On Wednesday 01 of April 2009 13:03:59 you wrote:
> On Saturday 28 March 2009, Nick Shaforostoff wrote:
> > Attached are patch and testcase (.cpp and .pro) for the bug.
> This is not really a bug, in my opinion.
> The view() of a combobox is the popup that shows up when opening the combo.
> If you don't open the combo at all, then obviously the view isn't used, so why
> should its currentIndex() matter? If you want to know the current item in the combo
> itself, that's what combo->currentIndex() does. I see little reason to call
> combo->view()->currentIndex().row() instead, since this indeed relies on the popup
> being used, which might not be the case.
its for combo->view()->currentIndex().data(Qt::UserRole)

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