ambiguity checking seems broken

Michael Jansen kde at
Tue Sep 23 21:23:23 BST 2008

On Tuesday 23 September 2008 21:47:39 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> it seems as if the new ambiguity checking for shortcuts has a problem.
> I'm getting an ambiguity warning for any action I try to trigger in
> konqueror. A first guess would be that this is due to mutliple khtml
> xmlgui clients in the same app. Which means shortcuts are in konqueror
> totally useless.
> Andreas

Some more information would be useful. Which shortcut? The check is only 
triggered if qt says the shortcut is ambiguous. In that case the the action 
you intended to trigger wouldn't be triggered anyway because we do not 
subscribe to ambiguous shortcut events or the QShortcut::activatedAmbiguous() 

But i have no chance on checking if i have no idea which shortcut. Or do you 
expect me to trigger each and every action in konqueror?


Michael Jansen

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