Any devs willing to maintain KnowIt?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Sep 23 09:56:23 BST 2008

On 23.09.08 10:45:46, Jordi Polo wrote:
> I think basket ( does everything knowit does and
> more.

Yes, thats my problem with it. I only need 25% of knowits features, so I
don't care wether any other tool can do more. However at least the kde3
version of basket is far too slow wiht all the transparency and what not
to be usable here on my machine.

Anyway, its cool that a basic kde4 port has been started on knowit, I
might even be able dedicate some time to it, now that I've got a pure
kde4 machine up and running.


Don't get to bragging.

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