kxmlgui shortcuts regression

Michael Jansen kde at michael-jansen.biz
Sat Sep 20 17:39:16 BST 2008

> I'm not seeing the behaviour that Nick see's, but something even worse.
> I'm doing this in KWrite:
> - Open Shortcuts editor
> - Expand "Capitalize" (default shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+U)
> - Set a custom shortcut, say "b"
> - Again push the button to adjust the shortcut and type the default
>   Ctrl+Alt+U
> - For me the "Default" entry is now selected - as in the radio button is
>   checked and the button to change contains "None" again.
> - However the button still has focus, indicated on my machine by having
>   the letters in bold.
> - Now I click Ok
> - Re-Open the shortcuts editor and voila, Capitalize as _no_ shortcut
>   set and the radio button upon expansion is set to "Custom <none>"

Fixed and it was a hard one. I used a const reference provided by a signal. 
When resetting the custom shortcut displayed the value reference was changed 
but i did not expect that. Thanks for the catch

See commit r862989.


Michael Jansen


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