[PATCH] A KJob jobtracker that uses kuiserver, or falls back to dialogs.

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at kde.org
Thu Sep 11 11:05:08 BST 2008


> Well also requires moving the class to kio, and making the .h a _p.h.

Sorry for being so late. I meant removing the KDEUI_EXPORT but still having it 
on kdeui/jobs for having everything in order. However I did explain wrong 
myself, we should keep the KDEUI_EXPORT and just mark the class as internal.

I also meant having it as @internal, so it's API is not "exposed" (well, only 
for libkio reasons). We have this on lots of places

   * @internal
   * For kio/global.cpp use only.

or something like that.

Seems that having some trackers on kdeui/jobs and this one on kio is not a 
very nice hierarchy.

Anyway, if you think having it on kio is better, just let it be there.

Rafael Fernández López.
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