Natural language processing tech for the desktop!

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Wed Oct 22 18:17:04 BST 2008

hmm... what about a sumarizer? or a runner to do stuff like mozilla


On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Jordi Polo <mumismo at> wrote:

> Thanks, I am waiting for the aproval to enter the mailing list.
> I wonder if automatic extraction of nepomuk relations from texts or webs
> from the user's computer would be of any use ...
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 4:34 AM, Adriaan de Groot <groot at> wrote:
>> On Tuesday 21 October 2008, Jordi Polo wrote:
>> > I __might__ be able to choose a project to work one year (I mean one
>> year,
>> > every day, several hours/day). The project must be something related to
>> NLP
>> > (Natural Language Processing). I love KDE and did some kde programming
>> > before (still some todo item in the kde 4.2 feature list...cough cough
>> ).
>> > I am pretty sure that something can take advantage of language
>> processing
>> > on the whole KDE desktop. I just need to convince my teacher that
>> working
>> > on that can be called research.
>> Hi Jordi,
>> That sounds like a wonderful opportunity.
>> Please drop in on kde-research (there's a mailing list,
>> kde-research at
>> and an irc channel #kde-research) to talk about this. There's a small
>> group
>> of researchers (Celeste, Paul, Kevin, Josef, myself -- and others I can't
>> think of quite off the top of my head) covering SOA, HIG, CMM and lots of
>> other topics. KDE-Research is more a place to try to coordinate research
>> action when it makes sense than a real work-out ground, but we'd love to
>> have
>> you over there.
>> It *might* make it easier on your teacher to know you'll be working with
>> researchers from other universities on this topic; that kind of
>> collaboration
>> can help push a project -- as well as help out in publication efforts.
>> That
>> is, after all, what a researcher lives for.
>> There's some strong NLP work done in Nijmegen related to NL queries and
>> search, as well as a little automatic translation IIRC. Those might be
>> good
>> people to talk to as well.
>> [ade]
>> --
>> These are your friends - Adem
>>    GPG: FEA2 A3FE Adriaan de Groot
> --
> Jordi Polo Carres
> NLP laboratory - NAIST

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