Customizing KFileDialog Open/Save button text
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at
Fri Oct 17 22:35:46 BST 2008
Am Freitag, 17. Oktober 2008, um 23:04 Uhr, schrieb Aurélien Gâteau:
> Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> > I think it makes sense, but this is not possible right now in
> > KFileDialog. Would you agree to add a setAcceptButtonText(const
> > QString&) method to KFileDialog?
> Nevermind. For some reason I did not notice KFileDialog::okButton().
Oh, indeed. I should have rechecked facts before replying, my problem was/is
that the Ok button can not be controlled if using one of the static
convenience functions, e.g.
static KUrl getSaveUrl (const KUrl &startDir, const QString &filter,
QWidget *parent, const QString &caption);
So the fix for me would be to go the unconvenient way.
Sorry for the noise
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