KDE applications need kfmclient to open links, which is not shipped with kdebase/runtime

Armin Berres trigger at space-based.de
Thu Nov 27 15:16:47 GMT 2008

On Thu, 27 Nov 08 00:10, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> Armin Berres wrote:
> >The real Problem here is, that xdg-open calls "kfmclient openUrl" when
> >it finds a KDE environment, if kfmclient is not around it will use
> > sensible-browser.
> >
> >open_kde()
> >{
> >? ? which kfmclient >/dev/null || open_generic "$1"
> >
> >? ? kfmclient exec "$1"
> >? ? kfmclient_fix_exit_code $?
> >
> >? ? if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
> >? ? ? ? exit_success
> >? ? else
> >? ? ? ? exit_failure_operation_failed
> >? ? fi
> >}
> >
> >Seems as if this is also not really what we want.
> It's what we wanted in KDE 3.
> For KDE 4, that functionality was moved to kioexec. But xdg-open hasn't 
> been updated, so the old "exec" command is still present in kfmclient, but 
> hidden/deprecated.

Yeah, so what is the solution for invokeBrowser() now? IMO the current
behaviour of calling kfmclient which is not in kdebase-runtime should be
changed ASAP. xdg-open can't be used right now, because it would do
nothing else than calling kfmclient.

So is "kioclient exec" and appropriate solution? As David mentioned the
downside is that in some border cases the call won't open a browser (but
in this case there shouldn't be the need of a browser anyway).
What about kioexec? I didn't manage to make it open a website...

IMO the behaviour should be changed before beta 2, but maybe that's just


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