[PATCH] thread-safe KQueuedDialog episode 2

Sebastian Trueg trueg at kde.org
Thu Nov 27 14:28:46 GMT 2008

you are of course perfectly right. I have no idea why I did not put that 
into the constructor. Will do. Other than that, patch ok?

Matthias Kretz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thursday 27 November 2008 10:35:42 Sebastian Trueg wrote:
>>  KDialogQueue* KDialogQueue::self()
>>  {
>>    K_GLOBAL_STATIC(KDialogQueue, _self)
>> +
>> +  // we want KDialogQueue to be thread-safe, i.e. it should be possible
>> +  // to queue dialogs from any thread, not only the GUI thread. For that
>> +  // to work, the KDialogQueue has to live in the GUI thread. Only then
>> +  // the queued connections used below will end up there.
>> +  if(_self->thread() != QApplication::instance()->thread() &&
>> +     _self->thread() == QThread::currentThread())
>> +      _self->moveToThread(QApplication::instance()->thread());
>> +
> AFAICS you can move this code into the KDialogQueue constructor. That way 
> you're guaranteed to get a KDialogQueue object that is linked to the GUI 
> thread from all threads. Otherwise you have a race condition where two threads 
> access this function, the non-GUI thread creates the object and the other 
> thread starts to use it before the thread that created the object moves it to 
> the GUI thread.
> Also you then have to do the thread affinity check only once instead of for 
> every access.
>>    return _self;
>>  }

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