Maximized XMLGUI windows not restored

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Nov 4 16:09:02 GMT 2008

On 04.11.08 16:35:41, Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> Hi,
> > I think I'm talking about:
> >
> I just can't reproduce. I have run both test cases in that bug report and both 
> worked fine. There are some examples that are not saving its size (Okular, 
> KDevelop (was?)) but OTOH there are *many* others working.

Then the tests are flawed/incomplete ;)
> I need a way to reproduce for being able to fix it. Otherwise there is nothing 
> to fix... :(

There must be something that Okular, KDevelop and Kate have in common that
is done differently in Dolphin or Konqueror - the latter two work fine
here, while the other 3 all have that problem.


Is this really happening?

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