[PATCH] high CPU load in kded when kdirwatcher falls back to polling

Benjamin Reed rangerrick at gmail.com
Mon May 26 05:09:04 BST 2008

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:

> IIRC inotify was made the default recently, seems like fam fell behind
> polling in the chain of methods. That isn't really good.

Well, there's no inotify, and no FAM on OSX, so neither really helps.
There is kqueue, but it's limited to something small enough that it
ends up falling back to polling anyways, IIRC.

In the end, what we need to implement on OSX is FSEvents support:
but it's 10.5-only, so we'd still need to fall back to polling on
10.4.  (Technically FSEvents exist on 10.4, but are a private API, it
didn't get promoted to an official API until 10.5).

Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick
Fink, KDE, and Mac OS X development

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