kDebug() output not possible to disable
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Thu May 22 17:58:45 BST 2008
On 22.05.08 16:55:40, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Thursday 22 May 2008 14:39:53 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I just noticed that debug output printed via a simple
> >
> > kDebug() << "foobar";
> >
> > cannot be turned off via kdebugdialog. I have all area's disabled here,
> > but I still see the output of such calls.
> >
> > Anybody aware of any changes related to that? Should I file a bugreport?
> Those can't be disabled, short of disabling debugging when building (i.e.,
> release mode).
> They are meant for applications only. That means any use of kDebug() with
> debug area 0 in a library is a bug.
Then why is there an entry in kdebugdialog to disable them? It should be
possible to either disable the area output or the entry from the dialog
should go.
And btw, what about heavily-plugins based apps, like kdevelop? Should
every plugin get a dedicated debug area? Because else you're almost
unable to identify your own plugins debug output in all the noise. Let
alone error messages from QObject::connect or similar stuff.
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