kdiroperator shortcuts

Anders Lund anders at alweb.dk
Sun Mar 23 15:56:34 GMT 2008

On søndag 23 Marts 2008, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> A Sunday 23 Març 2008, Anders Lund va escriure:
> > Another problem related to KDiroperator and Kate:
> >
> > The Del key in kate does not work, assumingly because KDirOperator uses
> > it.
> >
> > But the KDirOperator does not provide write access to its actions, so I
> > can't change it like I could in kde 3
> > (op->actionCollection->("delete")->setShortcut(somekey).
> >
> > Can someone come up with a a way to achieve this?
> IMHO that's a workaround and the real fix should be KDirOperator only
> eating the key press when the focus is in certain part of the window, maybe
> using the correct ShortcutContext for the action (like maybe WidgetShortcut
> or WidgetWithChildrenShortcut) can fix that.
> Albert

In fact they do so if the qt version is 4.4.0. I tried compiling with it 
enabled, but it did not make a difference.


www: http://www.alweb.dk
jabber: anderslund at jabber.dk

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