Enhancement: KLineBufferedProcess
Rolf Eike Beer
kde at opensource.sf-tec.de
Tue Mar 11 23:07:20 GMT 2008
Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 07, 2008 at 04:13:40PM +0100, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
> > The idea behind this class is to receive the data from the process and
> > buffer it. A signal is emitted only if a complete line of data is
> > available.
> fwiw, in qt 4.4, the combination of kprocess + qtextstream should work
> reliably.
Well, that would not help anyone who could find arbitrary 8 bit characters in
the output so he needs the result as a QByteArray. For the GPG output I
should be able to write a QTextCodec that handles this stuff. Thanks for the
Nevertheless I have attached a version that actually works (tested with KGpg).
The other one was a bit hacky since the people at the booth confused me ;)
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