KFileDialog bug

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Wed Mar 5 23:52:48 GMT 2008


while testing quanta on windows I found a bug in KFileDialog using 

The bug is independend from quanta and could be reproduced with the 
appended testcase, which patches kio/kfile/tests/kfstest and requires an 
installed oxygen icon set.
After applying the path and relinking of kfstest the following command 
sequence triggers the bug:

kfstest openurls 

-> this should open a list of directories, (in my case 

Then enter the 'actions' directory, select an image and click open.

The selected file should be printed on the qDebug output (stderr on 
unix, DbgView on windows) In my case it returns

which is wrong, it should contain the 'actions' directory as shown below:



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