[PATCH] KCapacityBar - Request

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Sat Jun 28 14:42:51 BST 2008

On Saturday 28 June 2008, Andreas Hartmetz wrote:
> On Saturday 28 June 2008 10:09:51 Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > As you probably had read on the planet couple months ago, I started
> > a capacity bar to be added to the properties dialog.
> >
> > This patch adds the bar exactly where the previous information of
> > the used/free disk space was before, whether we have to move that
> > information somewhere else is a different discussion.
> >
> > I also think that if we ever wanted to draw the level of free/used
> > disk space on the places view, for devices, we could use also this
> > class somehow.
> >
> > The patch can be found at:
> > http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/06/kdelibs-capacitybar.diff
> >
> > Some screenshots:
> > - Forced to 100% to show the look
> > 	http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/04/kpropertiesdialog38.png
> > 	http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/04/kpropertiesdialog39.png
> > 	http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/04/kpropertiesdialog40.png
> > 	http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/04/kpropertiesdialog41.png
> > - Showing actual value
> > 	http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/04/kpropertiesdialog43.png
> > - Showing actual value (RTL)
> > 	http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/04/kpropertiesdialog44.png

This is no really related to the bar, but why does the text read

Device usage level: 199.8 GiB out of 223.6 GiB (11% used)


I read a "usage level" of "199.8 GiB out of 223.6 GiB" as 199.8 GiB out 
of 223.6 GiB are _used_, but not as 199.8 GiB out of 223.6 GiB are 
_free_. Is this just me not being a native speaker?

> > Do you think I could commit this (after 4.1.0 tagging), so we have
> > it for 4.2 ?
> Hmmm, the vertical position of the label to the left of the bar looks
> somewhat akward on the screenshots. This likely has more to do with
> the dialog than with the widget but this is going to be the main user
> at first (right?) so it should be a good example of look and code to
> imitate.
> I don't have a good idea which kind of rearrangement would look
> better - maybe align the label with the bar or with the text below
> the bar? Something else? You know the rules for library inclusion,
> who is going to use it? IMHO this thing is obviously useful anyway...

KMail could use it for the quota view of IMAP folders.

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