[kde-artists] [PATCH]Re: [RFC][Fwd: Re: [RFC][Fwd: Re: Missing Oxygen icons (for Okular)]]

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Tue Jun 24 12:28:51 BST 2008

James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> James Richard Tyrer wrote:
>> And here is the patch [attached].
> And here is the RTL patch [attached]] which I have *not* tested.
> Could someone that has a RTL language on their system, please help by 
> testing this (along with the other patch).
> Single patch for both is posted here:
> http://home.earthlink.net/~tyrerj/kde/KDE-4/statdard_actions0.diff
> Along with a SVG only set of icons to test the patches:
> http://home.earthlink.net/~tyrerj/kde/KDE-4/go-icons_KDE4.tar.bz2
> Thanks.

I found a bug with RTL.  The icons for FirstPage & LastPage need to be 
reversed with RTL.  So, I updated the patch to include the bug fix.

Is this OK, are there any further comments, or should I commit it?


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