Change label to checkboxes in menus

FiNeX finex at
Thu Jun 12 09:16:03 BST 2008

If I have a checkbox for enable/disable a feature into a menu, for example for 
showing/hiding something, shouldn't the label be always the same?

Actually there are some programs (I've found some konqueror menu action and 
one juk menu action, for example) which do this:

- when option is not checked: 
[   ]  Show something

when is checked:
[X] Hide something

This is a bit confusing because when I read a checked checkbox with a 
description, I think that description is valid, instead that is the action 
which will be activated if the checkbox is de-activated. This is different 
from the common behaviour of checkboxes.

This problem affect only a small subset of menu actions, the most of them 
doesn't do that.

What is the current policy about this issue? What should do developers?
Change the labels or not?  Actually it seems that the majority prefer to use 
only a label.


by FiNeX
finex (@) finex (.) org
Linux Registered User #306523
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