[PATCH] Fix infinite recursion in KdeuiWidgetsProxyStyle

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Wed Jun 11 22:26:33 BST 2008


You (may) know that KLineEdit uses KdeuiWidgetsProxyStyle to define the 
right margin necessary to show the "clear" button. To do so it uses a 
proxy of QStyle(): KdeuiWidgetsProxyStyle.

This causes infinite recursion when the KLineEdit parent uses 
QStyleSheetStyle because also acts as a proxy to the "base" style.

The first patch breaks the infinite recursion by detecting if the style 
proxied by KdeuiWidgetsProxyStyle is QStyleSheetStyle. It fixes a crash 
in Gwenview when one tries to edit places shown on the start page.
It also fixes most crashes caused by passing a custom stylesheet to the 
application from the command line. Konqueror still crashes, but Dolphin 
and Gwenview and a few others no longer crash.

The second patch reworks the way KLineEdit tells KLineEditStyle 
(inherited from KdeuiWidgetsProxyStyle) the margin to reserve for the 
"clear" button. I had to do so because after the first patch, the casts:


Would return 0 if the parent widget where using QStyleSheetStyle (I 
haven't figured out why).

Is it ok to apply?

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