Fwd: Re: Automatically Generated Keyboard Accelerators (replacing kaccelgen.h)

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Jun 10 17:10:49 BST 2008

On Tuesday 10 June 2008 17:00:02 Mark Summerfield wrote:
> I certainly know that my algorithm outperforms the existing one in all
> the tests I've done (and uses an algorithm that is intrinsically
> better), so I'm inclined to hope you'll use the one I've done, at least
> for now?

Apart for math, which I'm not going to debate (26 seems a non-so-high number 
given the current amount of things we can shortcut), I've just contacted the 
guy with the implementation linked above in the thread, and he says he'd be 
extremely happy to relicense it to fit our needs, and that he's also happy to 
answer questions about the integration of the code (or the code itself).

So, let me know what to do next. =)

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