Bug with IconSize() with doubled sized icon ?!

Loïc Marteau loic.marteau at gmail.com
Sat Jul 19 12:51:33 BST 2008

Here is a second patch for KIconLoader who dont use
to draw double sized icon.
The idea is to take care to the real size of the desired icon before
loading them so we can choose the correct sized version of the icon in
the shared library directly.

The result is that icons are not anymore pixellized in such case.

Should i directly apply this patch (the first one is included in this one) ?

Should i just apply the first patch to correctly return the default
size when double sized icons are activated ?

My opinion is than perhaps double sized icon should just die in the
user interface, perhaps we can just propose the option to the user to
set in all groups : group size = default group size *2, (shortcut
button in "all icons").

I can work on such patch if you think it could be relevant...

I think than in both usability and technical point of view, it can
make things easier and cleaner...

What do you think about, i have perhaps missing something ?


On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Loïc Marteau <loic.marteau at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is a proposed patch for the problem
> Question 1 : Should i commit this one ?
> However i dont understand very well how kde deal with "double sized icons" :
> Such icons are pixellized even if proper icons already exit in the
> desired doubled size.
> Example :
> - Select double sized icon for the group small icon
> - You get double sized and pixellised icons (size = 32 px) in the
> plasmoid (applets) handle
> - same icons already exist in the library for the 32 px size (and are
> not pixellized of course)
> Question 2 : Is it possible to choose such icons when they are present
> instead of build one started from the simple size ?
> In fact it is perhaps the concept of double sized icons that i dont
> undersant (why not directly add more available size for icons groups)
> ?
> Cheers
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Loïc Marteau <loic.marteau at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello !
>> I've some problem using IconSize/IconLoad::currentSize  functions with
>> double sized icons checked in user settings.
>> I'm not sure of that but maybe in such case the correct value expected
>> from this functions is to take care of this settings ?
>> For the moment the result i have is only the non doubled icon size.
>> Is it a bug ? I have perhaps missing something...
>> The workaround i've found is to load an icon and see what the width
>> it's have in practice...
>> //m_iconSize = iconLoader->currentSize(KIconLoader::Small); //does not
>> work with double sized icon
>> m_iconSize = iconLoader->loadIcon("transform-scale",
>> KIconLoader::Small).width(); //workaround
>> Cheers !
>> Lo
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