Extend KMacroExpander for shell-expansion?

Michael Pyne mpyne at purinchu.net
Fri Jul 18 23:28:40 BST 2008

On Friday 18 July 2008, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> I have to admit that after looking through the API and implementation
> I'm not quite sure how to properly implement something like this:
> where I of course want SOMEVAR=BAR as result. The problem I'm having
> here is that the list of variables I have as input is not ordered like
> above.

When I solved the problem in abakus (a calculator app) I basically made a 
dependency tree and then wrote out functions in a pre-order traversal so that 
dependencies of functions were available when it came time to redefine a 
function on startup.

This would break if the user reordered the functions themselves but abakus 
would simply load the functions incorrectly instead of looping so I was 
satisfied with that.

But this requires some degree of parsing so unless the requirements are very 
simple (i.e. always of the form FOO=$BAR) it may not be worth the effort.

 - Michael Pyne
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