[PATCH] KIO::SlaveBase and the event loop

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 21:17:59 BST 2008

On July 15, 2008 11:09:10 Roland Harnau wrote:
> 2008/7/15, Thiago Macieira <thiago at kde.org>:
> > Roland Harnau wrote:
> >>Apropos ambitious plans: In the planning phase for KDE4 did you
> >>consider to re-implement the IO slaves as threads? The process
> >>creation cost including the D-Bus talk to klauncher seem quite high to
> >>me, especially if Konqueror launches 20 or more  of them.
> >
> > No. We've wanted separate processes for ioslaves for the whole time,
> > since this improves stability. IOSlaves are add-on plugins (yay for
> > multiple redundant buzzwords meaning the same thing!) that can come from
> > many different sources. We can't really vouch for the stability of them.
> This is equally true for Plasma applets,  but they are nevertheless
> in-process entities. 

and it sucks. bugs in playground applets can crash all of plasma.
luckily, we can stop scripted applets from crashing plasma (or so I've been 
told). unfortunately we can't do much about the c++ ones. hopefully most 
people will use their favourite scripting language once plasma stabilizes and 
more documentation is available.

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