api.kde.org News

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Sun Jul 13 13:18:40 BST 2008

Allen Winter wrote:
> On Sunday 13 July 2008 08:02:32 Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>> Allen Winter wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> I removed links to the KDE 4.0 API documentation from the api.kde.org top page and
>>> from the search results.  The documentation is still there, if you know where to look.
>>> So external links to the 4.0 pages should still work.  Eventually, those pages will be
>>> removed as well.
>> Is there any reason for removing 4.0 doc? In a company I used to work 
>> for, it was quite handy to have an online reference for the KDE version 
>> which our distribution was running. KDE 3.4 was out but we were still 
>> running 3.2.
>> It's also useful to have old doc online in case a new method has been 
>> introduced but the "@since" keyword is missing in the comment.
> We can keep the old doc as long as we have the diskspace.
> (and as long as I don't forget and remove it during a cleaning frenzy)

:-). Yes, I guess it takes quite some space.

> Do you want the old doc searchable from the search box?
> Do you want the old doc accessible from links on the top page?

I would say both would be great, as long as it does not make 4.1 and 
trunk doc more difficult to access.


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