[Patch] Add two new tree-based modes to KDirOperator

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jul 10 13:20:58 BST 2008

On 09.07.08 10:27:17, Ivo Anjo wrote:
> Hello.
> The following patch adds two new modes to KDirOperator: a "tree view"
> mode, where you simply get a file tree, and a "detailed tree view"
> mode where you get a file tree and the normal extra columns (size,
> type, ...).
> As KDirOperatorDetailView -- where the "detailed view" mode is
> implemented -- already used a QTreeView, it's easy to turn it into a
> real tree, most of the code changed is for KDirOperator to be aware of
> the new modes and allowing change between them.
> The new modes are by default also shown on the KDirOperator context
> menu, but can easily disabled.
> This work is mainly directed at easily getting a file tree into Kate
> and Kdevelop.

Having tested this a bit, it works fine and I can't see any problems
with the code itself. Peter, Rafael what do you think?


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