Please reopen "kdesktop showing root directory" bug

Pino Toscano toscano.pino at
Tue Jan 22 09:37:09 GMT 2008

Alle martedì 22 gennaio 2008, Dominique Quatravaux ha scritto:
> Dear Pino, KDE core developers,
> Please reopen KDE bug #152907. It's real, and I have made some
> progress diagnosing it. It apparently lies in kdelibs 3; afaict
> kdelibs 4 doesn't have it as of Ubuntu Hardy, see Python script
> attached to, but I'm no
> KDE guru and may be totally wrong here.

Sorry, I won't, as the problem lies totally on the kubuntu side.

Their kubuntu_9911_xdg_user_dirs_dirpath.diff patch applied to kdesktop make 
kdesktop use XDG_DESKTOP_DIR instead of KGlobalSettings::desktopPath().
The patch is not the problem itself, but if the kubuntu guys do not manage to 
get the dependancy right on the xdg-user-dirs package, KDE has no fault in 

Pino Toscano
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