[PATCH] Fix crash when using kdiroperator

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at kde.org
Mon Jan 21 23:19:41 GMT 2008


When talking about a crash it would be nice to tell the steps to reproduce:

1. Open the open/save dialog (with previsualizations disabled by default)
2. Click wherever on the view (on the blank part, not on an item) => crash

> The attached patch fix a bug that was causing a crash when using
> kdiroperator.

BTW, it is my fault. I committed this code and forgot about that check, 

> Ok to commit?

Yes please, but remember that this is only committable on trunk. DO NOT 

> Btw, what is the commit policy, a commit like this that only fixes a
> crash and don't
> break any code could be committed directly?

Better to ask first, but this is a big yes.

Bye and thanks again,
Rafael Fernández López

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