Widgets and Classes (Was: libgoya - possibly in kdelibs ?)

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Mon Jan 21 20:29:31 GMT 2008

On Monday 14 January 2008 17:41:04 Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> Hi all,
> I really know we should focus on 4.0.x and stability before smoking crack
> for 4.1. Anyway I have been doing some work for the Goya infraestructure,
> which is right now at playground/libs. It is kde-independant, and despite
> the kDebug() lines only depends on Qt.
> Since I'm quite new for this kind of things on the project, I would like to
> know some things:
> - Could it be possible to move the library from playground to
> kdelibs/kdeui/itemviews ?

BTW: I forgot to remind everyone that we have quite a nice
list of widgets and classes that we may want to move into
kdelibs [1].  We just need people willing to do the necessary work.[2]

Feel free to add to the wiki, or cleanup what's been done already.

unit tests, coding style fixes, apidox, dpointers/Krazy fixes, etc.

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