[RFC] cmake modules and keeping source compatibility

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de
Sat Jan 19 09:27:36 GMT 2008

Alex Merry schrieb:
> At Friday 18 January 2008 18:17, you wrote:
>> A better approach would be not to hardcode the required version in the cmake 
>> module, but to set it from the outside:
>> find_package(Soprano REQUIRED)
>> and then compare with SOPRANO_REQUIRED_VERSION in FindSoprano.cmake.
> Wouldn't it be sensible to do this with all packages?  It would make the modules more useful for other projects, both inside (by using the installed versions) and outside (by copying the files) KDE.

but we should sync this with the cmake devs to avoid naming confusion
like foo_LIBRARY <-> foo_LIBRARIES and others.


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