libgoya - possibly in kdelibs ?
Allen Winter
winter at
Wed Jan 16 13:29:31 GMT 2008
On Monday 14 January 2008 17:41:04 Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> Hi all,
> I really know we should focus on 4.0.x and stability before smoking crack
> for 4.1. Anyway I have been doing some work for the Goya infraestructure,
> which is right now at playground/libs. It is kde-independant, and despite
> the kDebug() lines only depends on Qt.
> Since I'm quite new for this kind of things on the project, I would like to
> know some things:
> - Could it be possible to move the library from playground to
> kdelibs/kdeui/itemviews ?
> You may be wondering why. Here is my explanation:
> Goya is a framework for inserting controls into itemviews in a really easy
> and fast way. It now supports pushbuttons, comboboxes and only renders (not
> editable) line edits. Of course I will add without effort radio buttons and
> check boxes. This framework makes hell easy for the delegate to draw and
> make it easy to interact with those controls that Goya added (you can check
> out the tests at playground/libs/goya/tests). You just can use
> signals/slots for that.
> Now that I said the reason of its existence, I can say where it could be
> needed: for sure KPluginSelector (kdelibs/kutils) and kuiserver
> (kdebase/runtime).
> So, what do you think ? If we don't want it into kdelibs, we would need to
> make kdelibs depend in some kind of "goya library", that distributions
> should start to deploy (maybe on the meanwhile on kdesupport, if that makes
> sense). If we want it on kdelibs, could that be made for 4.1 ? The code is
> pretty tested and I think it works quite fine.
No objections.
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