Giving up our applications' identity? (was: Re: KDE)

Brad Hards bradh at
Tue Jan 15 19:43:44 GMT 2008

I'd like to start off by apologising for my "screwing around" phrasing. It 
certainly wasn't intended to be derogatory. It is how I think of this type 
of "changing a line here or there" work (as opposed to working on a single 
new feature or bug report) when I do it.

On Wednesday 16 January 2008 12:36:38 am Sven Burmeister wrote:
> On Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008, Brad Hards wrote:
> > If you want to screw around with icons, perhaps fixing things that don't
> > have icons would be better than rebranding existing stuff? See
> >
> Maybe you should add to
> rather than starting your own list. Why should oxygen artists bother to
> have a look at distro's sites if there is already one within KDE?
Note that I didn't start the list, and haven't edited it - I just came across 
a link to it while trying to sort out an xorg server issue on Fedora.

I'm personally not that concerned. If I have trouble finding an application 
(because of the start menu, I just start it from the command line.

I'll point the original dude to it.


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