[PATCH] Multi-Protocol IO-Slave

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Mon Jan 14 02:30:41 GMT 2008

On Sunday 13 January 2008, nf2 wrote:
> > this is complete and utter, excuse my language here, bullshit.
> No - it's not. How come that i'm the only person who at least tries to
> dive into VFS code of both desktops? 

there's more than just VFS stuff to work on; and many of these things have 
only one or two people working on them, especially in the early days of each 
of those efforts. i applaud your efforts, let's just not make blanket 
statements about all areas of effort. because it just isn't true.

> How come that desktop developers 
> don't even read the mailing lists of the other projects? 

time, mostly. some of us do, though.

> Why didn't GVFS 
> developers communicate that they started something new which might be of
> relevance for  KDE.

good question.

> Probably you wouldn't even know that GIO/GVFS 
> exists, neither have the slightest idea of it's design, without me
> posting here. 

maybe i'm the odd one here, but i was/am aware of it =) i do read the blogs 
and some of the mail that happens outside of kde.

> That fact just surprises me. That's what i wanted to 
> express

i agree we can do even better. at the same time, we are *miles* ahead of where 
we were a few years ago. perfection is a bitter game: we never get to it but 
we always strive for it. we're nowhere nere perfection now, but keeping the 
momentum going means giving credit where credit is due. if we keep holding 
that bar higher and higher and higher eventually people will stop even trying 
to jump. recognizing success and improvement is *criticial* to ensuring it 

that is why when someone says, "kde doesn't work with others well" i will 
stand up and rebut that statement with a vengence. we have, in just 4.0 
alone, adopted d-bus, invested much more into HAL, dropped our own sound 
server implementation, adopted the common mimetype database, moved to a 
common icon naming specification and probably other things i've forgotten off 
the top of my head here. oh, decibel: working with the telepathy project. 
there's another one.

is there work left? topics left uncovered? yep. does it suck when one of those 
topics is one you personally care about more than other topics? absolutely. 
but if you want us (on all sides) to eventually get to your topic, show 
respect and encouragement for the past wins. eventually we'll get to it all. 
it just takes time.

and love. "all you need is love... bwa bwa bwabwa bwaa..." 

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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