[PATCH] Multi-Protocol IO-Slave

nf2 nf2 at scheinwelt.at
Sun Jan 13 22:40:37 GMT 2008

Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Sunday 13 January 2008, nf2 wrote:
>> Oh well - unfortunately there is a really unlucky tradition on both
>> sides not to touch, nor even look at the other projects code. Feels a
>> bit like cold-war: Xdg standards were the maximum to get for
>> interoperability. Arms control agreements ;-). Common code? - no way.
> this is complete and utter, excuse my language here, bullshit.

No - it's not. How come that i'm the only person who at least tries to 
dive into VFS code of both desktops? How come that desktop developers 
don't even read the mailing lists of the other projects? Why didn't GVFS 
developers communicate that they started something new which might be of 
relevance for  KDE. Probably you wouldn't even know that GIO/GVFS 
exists, neither have the slightest idea of it's design, without me 
posting here. That fact just surprises me. That's what i wanted to 
express - sorry for being a bit provocative.

Of course i admire your great work - and all those important steps taken 
to improve interoperability.

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