[PATCH] KProcess port of khelpcenter

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Fri Jan 4 17:12:31 GMT 2008

Oswald Buddenhagen schrieb:
> On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 04:55:01PM +0100, Ralf Habacker wrote:
>> If there are no more issues I would check this in. 
> yeah, rest looks fine. actually testing it (extensively) would be even
> better, of course - i'm in no way a kio expert, for example. :)
okay, i used external urls to see if kio is working
case 1: 
I set in 


and performed a search. I ignored the question about recreating index 
cache (this does not work on win32 yet because of the perl scripts). 
After that the search result is displayed in khelpcenter -> seems to work

case 2:
I used an invalid url  
SearchUrl=http://www._google.de/search?q=%w&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t and 
khelpcenter prints the following message:

Search Results for 'kate':
Top-Level Documentation
Application Manuals
Error: Unknown host www._google.de: Unknown error

Whiile performing this tests I recognized that I have to delete the job 
after the emit because otherwise the result or error is undefined.


void SearchHandler::searchFinished( SearchJob *job, DocEntry *entry, 
const QString &result )
    delete job;
    emit searchFinished( this, entry, result);

void SearchHandler::searchError( SearchJob *job, DocEntry *entry, const 
QString &error )
    delete job;
    emit searchError(this, entry, error);


void SearchHandler::searchFinished( SearchJob *job, DocEntry *entry, 
const QString &result )
    emit searchFinished( this, entry, result);
    delete job;

void SearchHandler::searchError( SearchJob *job, DocEntry *entry, const 
QString &error )
    emit searchError(this, entry, error);
    delete job;

Is this okay for testing ?


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