[PATCH] Animations enable/disable system wide [TAKE 2]

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Feb 23 01:58:29 GMT 2008

Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> So, where do you think this combo should go on the KCM ?
> For those which aren't going to test the patches, the KCM look is: 
> http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/02/stylekcm.png

What happened to talk of an 'Advanced...' button?

What about having a new performance/power (better names welcome) kcm? 
Ideally this would centralize style things, WM things, and application 
things, etc. (Ok, I guess the style is supposed to respond to the 
"application settings" so maybe that's a dumb point.)

People say I'm going insane. I say, "what do you mean, 'going'?".

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