need help with docbook

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at
Sat Feb 16 21:23:23 GMT 2008

On Saturday 16 February 2008, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
| Does the kdex.dtd in line 2 mean the markup is KDE specific ?

Markup isn't KDE specific and you can actually replace the "dtd/kdex.dtd" 
with "" and it would 
still work, and you would actually get past the current error about not being 
able to find kdex.dtd, which isn't major. 

| If yes, which parts ?
| If not, which effect does it have ?

kdex.dtd, iirc, is just a copy of the actually dtd, just with KDE modifications 
and additions to it. The markup used in the file is all DocBook, none of it is 
KDE specific. I just copied the header part out of one of the KDE documents.

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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