DrKonqui appearance (was: Re: New KMessageBox Style )

John Tapsell johnflux at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 17:29:09 GMT 2008

  It looks nice, but the text field is kinda small.

  If people do want a small text field, could we have a big gripper
thing on the right hand corner of the window?  (Is this possible in
Qt?)  To make it easy to resize the window to read the contents.


On 05/02/2008, pinheiro <nuno at oxygen-icons.org> wrote:
> Em Terça, 5 de Fevereiro de 2008 13:09, o Robert Knight escreveu:
> > Hi,
> >
> > > I've rewritten the error message there so it's imho more obvious to the
> > > end user what has happened, and how to address the problem. I hope this
> > > gives some inspiration to improve the dialog.
> >
> > The wording still needs adjustment for some users.  For example, what
> > is a "fatal error"?  Did the program just kill somebody?  In Urs'
> > screenshot, the dialog still has text about a "signal" and "SEGSEGV" .
> > How the program actually died is not relevant to anyone other than the
> > developer, all that everyone else knows is that it inconvenienced them
> > and possibly lost some work.
> Wour work is not about the text, dough i couldnt agrea more on that, some of
> the text bits are realy realy in need of assistence.
> > On a broader note, requiring the user to actually go to bugs.kde.org
> > to file a report and copy in the backtrace probably means that the
> > majority of crashes are never reported at all.  Windows has been
> > sending automated crash reports for years now and I believe Gnome does
> > as well.
> I agrea as well
> > Regards,
> > Robert.
> --
> nuno pinheiro
> core oxygen icon designer

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