KDE Problems when running Qt Designer

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Dec 2 16:17:40 GMT 2008

On 02.12.08 08:47:20, Allen Winter wrote:
> Howdy,
> When running designer, I see the following messages (some errors) in my konsole.
> Is this something we need to fix (not that I have any idea at all)?
> Or maybe something I'm doing wrong?

Thats probably all due to the custom kde widgets and the fact that we're
not calling qRegisterMetaType for all the types you listed.

It means that you can't edit any of the properties of that widget
that use these datatypes, except for the KUrl case this shouldn't be a
problem as I doubt there's a proper way in the property editor to edit a
QList<KUrl> or QList<QChar>... 

> Error while reparenting!                                                         

No idea about that one, can't recall having seen that.


Everything that you know is wrong, but you can be straightened out.

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