KStyle/KIconEngine problem WAS Re: Bug in icon kcm?

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Mon Dec 1 23:31:24 GMT 2008

A Dimarts 02 Desembre 2008, Albert Astals Cid va escriure:
> A Dilluns 01 Desembre 2008, Louai Al-Khanji va escriure:
> > Hey,
> >
> > I'm currently not running trunk or I would test this myself. I believe
> > there is a bug in the icon kcm, specifically line 372 in
> > kdebase/runtime/kcontrol/icons/icons.cpp. The value member variable is
> > of float type, but gets cast to int. Because the range for value is
> > 0..1.0, this is effectively always 0 in the config file.
> >
> > Am I right? If so, could someone please correct this? I don't want to
> > do it blindly.
> Done, thanks for reporting.

The problem is that it does not work though, most of the painting is done in 
QCommonStyle by calling KIconEngine::pixmap that always sets 
KIconLoader::Desktop as group because it seems it can not know which it's 
parent is.

One "solution" would be never calling QCommonStyle and making KStyle deal with 
it all the calls so it can do the correct calls, but that's completely an 
impoosible amount of work.

Other hack would be having a type variable in KIconEngine that is set each 
time KStyle calls QCommonStyle so when QCommonStyle ends up calling 
KIconEngine::pixmap we know which type of element we are rendering. But that 
would not work with threads, although i'm not sure if one can use KStyle in 

The obviously simple solution is dropping this icon effects thing 
altogether :-/


> Albert
> > Thanks,
> > Louai

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