[PATCH] Re: Help, Ok, Cancel KStandardGuiItems

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Fri Aug 29 23:20:02 BST 2008

On Friday 29 August 2008 16:25:30 Allen Winter wrote:
> Howdy,
> I noticed that the Help ,Ok and Cancel buttons in KDialogs
> don't have tooltips or whatsthis. (Help has a tooltip, but no whatsthis).
> This is due to those settings missing in KStandardGuiItems::ok(), et.al.
> Is there a good reason for this?  Should I add the tooltips/whatthis
> to the KStandardGuiItems? Or not? Or maybe add them into
> the KDialog class directly?
Attached is a patch for review that makes sure Help, Ok and Cancel
have tooltips and whatsthis.  Let me know if I can commit.
Or if you have better text.

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