KNotify (was Re: Resurrecting KMilo?)

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at
Thu Aug 21 16:46:14 BST 2008

Lubos Lunak wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 of August 2008, Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>> I believe KNotify is a different beast.
>  So that is the reason why everybody ignores it? Well, then let me say that I 
> think you're mistaken. Notifying the user about a different volume, 
> brightness, backlight or current track is, well, notifications.
>> From what I understand, it's more for fire-and-forget usage: show a message
>> and carry on.
>  Yes and no. You can use it that way, but why it would have all those feedback 
> signals otherwise?
>> I don't  think one can show a progress bar with it.
>  Since there is support for updating data such as the text or pixmap, it 
> clearly can show progress. Maybe not a progress bar as such, but is it really 
> more work to add than to roll your own duplicate solution? Notifications are 
> not supposed to be complicated JumboJet cockpits anyway.

Ok, I was not aware KNotify was able to update the data it shows. I 
deduced what is possible with it based on how I have seen it used. I 
haven't looked at the API.
My initial suggestion was to centralize the way we do osd display in 
kdelibs rather than having each app creating its own frameless widgetry. 
If this can be done with some work on KNotify, I am all for it.


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