[PATCH] Allow application to use a website for documentation.
Krzysztof Lichota
krzysiek at lichota.net
Thu Aug 21 11:16:08 BST 2008
2008/8/21 Mark Kretschmann <kretschmann at kde.org>:
> On 8/21/08, Tom Albers <tomalbers at kde.nl> wrote:
>> As I see a trend that wiki's become more popular. An application developer might decide that he wants the documentation of his application in a wiki instead of a docbook. it might be a good idea to provide some support for that possibility in kdelibs.
>> Attached is a - straightforward - patch that makes it possible to call setDocumentationAddress( website ) on the KAboutData object. If the help function in the menu is used, not the KHelpCenter will launch, but the default browser with that website.
>> I ask permission to commit in trunk and branch, please review, I'm not used to work in kdelibs.
> Very nice idea. I think it absolutely makes sense.
I think it is a great idea if this will not replace current docs, but
be an extra source.
For example on docs.kde.org there is already documentation which often
is newer than the one in the system (especially for translated docs),
so users can be pointed there.
Krzysztof Lichota
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