Smooth Scrolling kills performance

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Aug 14 18:40:09 BST 2008


I've got some bad news for the new Smooth Scrolling setting in the style
kcm. It kills performance for large itemviews. Where large means
something like a few thousand entries. In particular the quick-open
widget in KDevelop4 is about factor 2 slower when opening up compared to
just turning off that feature. 

According to David Nolden who apparently did look into this a bit, the
smooth scrolling feature walks over the whole model asking for all items
data or some such, that simply isn't scalable at all and should be

On top of the performance, according to David, it doesn't let an app
developer change a particular view to per-pixel if he wants that. So
in that regard the feature is even broken a bit.

Is anybody working on getting this thing really "smooth" right now?

Oh and please keep David in the Cc as he's not reading kde-core.


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