Qt SVG renderer

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Mon Aug 4 15:28:40 BST 2008

Il Thursday 31 July 2008 21:16:12 Richard Dale ha scritto:
> It renders all the "*.svg"s in a directory to .pngs. However, if I've just
> run it with just a single svg at a time, and I get different results. So I
> suspect this a more likely a bug in QtRuby than Qt itself.

Hmm, the version I used is a bit different from the one you posted: that 
wasn't really working on iterating on all the icons for some reason that I 
don't remember, and probably I didn't even investigate.

Then, because I felt I already spent too much time on the script, I modified 
it straight away to act just on the file that was passed as argument on the 
command line.
And then calling it with system(""), from a cycle, like I said before.

The end result codewise is pretty ugly, but I just wanted something that did 
its job, and I just wanted it quickly.

However, the Qt code has remained the same... I'm trying to find these scripts 
again to double check. =)

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